From Commodity to Customers’ Choice

FOR DOWNLOAD: The Annual Summer Meeting for the Rennaisance Executive Forum. This PDF Includes:

  • Actionable information on identifying the key buying habits of b2b customers and aligning their messaging with the psychological drivers of purchasing intent
  • A Five-point plan to develop a distinct brand position that results in the creation of brand preference for business prospects.
  • In-depth examination of maximizing social media for b2b success and overview of the growing market influence of Millennials.

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About the presenter:

Richard Palatini – Director, Brand Strategy & Creative

Richard is an accomplished and experienced strategist, planner and creative thinker, who has been connecting brands and customers for more than two decades. As Brand Strategist, he’s been instrumental in launching and positioning new brands, and re-positioning existing ones. He’s developed new market opportunities and strategic branding initiatives that have driven growth and bottom line success for consumer, retail, and business-to-business clients. Learn more about our team here.