B2B Brand-Ism #12: When Growing Your Business, Play the Percentages

May 31, 2017 10:30 am



Delia Associates B2B Branding

Here’s one of my past personal experiences to illustrate that very point. As a youth baseball coach, I would ask my players at the start of the season, “What’s your #1 goal as a batter?” Inevitably someone would say, “To hit the ball.” My answer, “You’re on the right track. The goal is to hit the ball HARD.” Anyone with some basic coordination can hit a baseball. However, a weak infield grounder does little to advance your team’s cause. You have to hit the ball hard. This same principle applies to B2B brand building. I see a lot of organizations hitting grounders. They are essentially making noise in an already noisy communications landscape. It takes more than noise to “hit the ball hard” and create the resulting and desired impact.

B2B brand building is not about engagement. It’s about the quality of engagement.

This is one area where b2b brand building differs from business-to-consumer (b2c) branding. In B2C branding, such as for consumer products, the emphasis is on moving a large audience to a point of connection with and preference for a given brand. Typically, the transaction value is comparatively low to many b2b sales opportunities. For many b2b organizations, one great new client alone has a decisive impact on both the top and bottom line. Many of our b2b clients who receive 10 quality leads in a month from our efforts are delighted. Why? Because each one represents a high-value opportunity that alone could more than pay for all associated marketing costs.

B2B marketing is all about quality, not quantity. It is a far more sales-aligned approach than B2C, as B2B brand building programs are oriented toward driving high-quality sales opportunities. B2B organizations are seeing the value in brand building largely because most prospects have extensively researched and largely made up their minds before even contacting a company representative.

What you can do right now: Step back and look at your brand, and how it is being delivered through marketing. If you feel like you are just hitting the ball, it’s time to reevaluate. Focus your energy on hitting the ball hard, and knock it out of the park.

What else you can do. Give us a call. We are experts at building customer-centric brand positions, messaging and solutions that are designed to drive not the “B” or “C” level customers, but the “A-Level” clients that will drive your business forward.

Simply fill out the form below or give us a call at 908-534-9044.

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About The Author

We specialize in b2b, supporting the clients who are the "The Brands Behind the Brands." These are the supply chain partners of brands, either in Tier 1 or Tier 2 positions, who drive value through the delivery of goods, services and technologies. We enjoy blogging about all things related to Branding, Marketing, Inbound, Tradeshows, etc... And we're always happy to talk about any ideas you may have that might Get You To Your NEXT!