Good SEO strategies begin with keyword optimization!

January 23, 2012 12:31 am

Remember to Optimize Keywords

Whether you’re a local small business or a multi-million dollar company you should know that deeply embedded within an effective search optimization strategy is a viable keyword set.  Keyword optimization is critical to obtaining any degree of search engine optimization success, because without a plausible approach, your company’s path to search visibility will go awry. If you allow this to happen your once attainable goals and objectives will be in jeopardy. Without keyword optimization, your SEO campaigns will be inherently flawed. This type of neglect is destined to derail any opportunity to generate leads, conversions, and sales. The good news is you have the power to prevent these missteps. Below is advice you can utilize to develop a resourceful keyword list.

Keyword optimization begins with the generation of a list of keywords you feel most accurately portrays the services and offerings of your company. Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes. What do you think THEY will be searching for when attempting to find the products or services you offer on each page of your website? You have to determine each keyword’s relevance and make the final call if it’d be applicable in your search optimization program. Once this is established, you can brainstorm a list of 10-15 keywords per company webpage. Utilize Google Keyword Tools or Hubspot’s Keyword Grader for additional specifications and resources. These programs will give you suggestions and derivatives based on the keyword sets you actuate.

But keyword optimization doesn’t stop there. Once you create the groundwork, you can begin evaluating and analyzing each keyword’s monthly search volume and its level of search competition. Understanding your businesses strengths and weaknesses will propel you to a keyword set that is specific and explicit. Generalized terms with remarkably high search volume tend to also carry an extremely high competition level. This is problematic and a red flag for a number of reasons. The most obvious reason is that you will naturally find it difficult to rank on the first page for these keywords because many other companies are vying for the same spot. The second reason is even if you are lucky enough to rank for these keywords, you run the risk of driving trivial traffic to your website. You need to crunch the numbers and discern the likelihood of driving traffic that will lead to conversions.

A generalized term lacking any specificity may lead someone to your site without the slightest interest of your offerings. This may enhance the appeal of your month to month SEO reports, but it distorts the true value you are obtaining from your SEO campaign. Use long-tail keywords (usually keywords three words or longer in length). These keywords will usually have lower monthly searches, but drive the type of traffic that will optimize your campaign and stimulate conversions and sales.

Once you establish the foundation to extract your primary keywords, you can target these words by enriching title tags and meta descriptions. Also, include a bevy of ideal keywords in H1 tags and the copy on your website. But remember to refrain from any attempts to deceive Google. This means DO NOT stuff the content with an overwhelming amount of keyword density. Write with the intentions of enhancing the user experience. Believe it or not, Google is smart enough to detect good content and definitely shrewd enough to distinguish keyword stuffing. This is frowned upon in the SEO community and can result in banishment from search engines.

Use this advice to begin optimizing your company page now! Still overwhelmed? We can help too! Contact us and we can discuss the right keyword optimization strategy for your business!

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About The Author

We specialize in b2b, supporting the clients who are the "The Brands Behind the Brands." These are the supply chain partners of brands, either in Tier 1 or Tier 2 positions, who drive value through the delivery of goods, services and technologies. We enjoy blogging about all things related to Branding, Marketing, Inbound, Tradeshows, etc... And we're always happy to talk about any ideas you may have that might Get You To Your NEXT!