Generating Quality B2B Leads: Buyer Personas Make All the Difference

While buyer personas have significant impact on your B2B sales growth and marketing efficiency, they’re not all created equal.   In the world of B2B sales, understanding buyer personas and the differences among them is crucial for driving growth and enhancing marketing efficiency.   Simply put, B2B buyer personas are perceptive representations of your ideal […]

B2B Buyer Personas: the Most Useful Tool to Help You Understand Your Customers.

OK. So maybe you’re not using buyer personas. Or, you may not know exactly what they are and why they are important.   In either case, you’re missing a golden opportunity.   A lot of other b2b marketers are missing it too. That’s why we held our recent webinar, “Empowering Your B2b Marketing and Sales […]

Leveraging AI to Drive Dynamic B2B Sales Growth

In the fast-evolving landscape of B2B sales, harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer. AI is more than a buzzword; it’s a transformative tool that empowers businesses to achieve efficiency and precision in their sales strategies like never before. From lead generation to personalized outreach and predictive analytics, AI is reshaping […]

Your Capabilities Deck is All Wrong

Yes. It’s wrong.   In fact, I’m probably understating this fact. Unfortunately, for far too many companies, a bad capabilities deck can do as much harm as good.   The more you try to make it all about you, the less effective it will be.   Yes, it’s about your capabilities.   But more importantly, […]

It’s That Most Wonderful Time of Year…

Filled with holiday parties, eggnog (what is nog?), gift giving (and returning), and maybe a few snowflakes.   And it wouldn’t be the Holiday Season without Delia Associates annual video. It’s our way of saying “Thank You!” to the many people we’ve had the opportunity to work with over the past year.    This year, […]

Social Images: Animated vs. Static? Which Drives Better Viewer Engagement?

Today, social media platforms are becoming omnichannel resources. People use social media to get their world news, learn new skills, and they even do their shopping, all on one platform.  This is true for both business and consumer users, as the lines between the two have become increasingly blurred.   A question we’re often asked […]

Who we ARE is NOT who we WERE.

You’re moving forward simultaneously on many initiatives to grow your business.  Investing in infrastructure. Acquiring talent. Locking in key contracts. Guiding your teams. Things are in constant motion.   Take a pause. Take a breath. Look at your corporate brand: website, marketing, presentations, etc. You’ve moved the company to a higher level. Is your corporate […]

Marketing + Sales: Are They Aligned or in Silos?

We call it the “Silo Effect.” When marketing initiatives are moving in one direction, and the sales team in another. The two departments – both of which are essential to business development – are not aligned by common objectives. I’ve seen this occur with internal marketing departments as well as outside marketing agencies.   I […]

“Mis-Fit” Marketing: Bad for Your Business.

“Mis-fit marketing” happens when marketing initiatives attract the wrong type of prospects, or “misfits.” They are misaligned with your products, services, pricing, business model, or culture. They will never be great customers, and they never should have become customers in the first place.   “Mis-fit” prospects chew up time and resources. And once you start […]