Why is Brand Identity so important?

February 13, 2012 7:04 pm

The Importance of Brand Identity

What is brand identity? It sounds like a relatively easy concept to define. Any reputable advertiser should be able to express their brand’s individuality with clarity, but why do so many companies wallow in mediocrity? They struggle to execute lead generation and sales because they fail to recognize the importance of succinctly identifying their brand, and more importantly, differentiating their brand. Companies know they need to push their brand to prevalence and foster an environment in which brand awareness is paramount. These are initiatives that must be emphasized, but unfortunately they are rendered trivial if the core of what your company truly stands for is not defined.

Brand identity is the subtext attached to every imaginable facet of your company, including your name, logo, products, services, offerings, and employees. Establishing brand identity is a holistic approach to conveying your company’s image. The inference consumers should take from a company’s brand identity is one of solidarity and stability. Your brand identity should be reflective of the excellence your company has and will continue to produce, but make sure you can substantiate these claims with the products and services your company provides.

You can facilitate brand identity through the use of a variety of tactics:

  • Your brand name should coincide with the brand personality and the products or services your company offers.
  • You have to possess self-awareness in order to accurately diagram the right brand name and ultimately, the ideal brand identity for your company.
  • Effectively communicating your brand’s image through the use of a universal logo can also dramatically elevate your bottom line. Conveying your message with elegance and brevity is no simple task. You want a brand identity that will evoke a strong brand image. Specific fonts, colors and graphic elements of a well-designed visual image can all be difference-makers.
  • Logo design and all other aspects work in concert with each other to create a recognizable brand for your customers.

A powerful brand identity can embolden your customer base to purchase a diversity of products or services. The brand identity of your company is enlivened by the personality of your products. A brand’s identity can conjure emotions, perceptions, images, and experiences held toward that specific brand. You need to seize the opportunity and cultivate a brand identity that will leave a lasting impression in people’s minds. You need to align the expectations for customers behind the brand experience.

Differentiation is vital. You want your brand identity to generate top-of-mind awareness. In an ideal scenario, you would look at a brand logo or hear a brand name and immediately denote its products or services. The reason being, if you have two products with exactly the same benefits and drawbacks, then brand identity will break the tie and can even distort the perception of tangible benefits and drawbacks. The brand that lacks a creative logo, brand name and brand identity will most likely be left on the shelf. Why? Because people feel more at ease selecting a product that has a reputation rather than the unknown. It’s human nature.

There is one other aspect to note. Although sustainability is a key differentiator in many of the leading brands, evolution is sometimes necessary. In order to continue to make strides toward positive gains, it’s imperative to adapt to the continually evolving marketing environment. Sometimes that means updating your brand identity.

If you need help with branding, Delia Associates can work with your company to identify your goals and objectives to design the right brand identity for you.

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About The Author

We specialize in b2b, supporting the clients who are the "The Brands Behind the Brands." These are the supply chain partners of brands, either in Tier 1 or Tier 2 positions, who drive value through the delivery of goods, services and technologies. We enjoy blogging about all things related to Branding, Marketing, Inbound, Tradeshows, etc... And we're always happy to talk about any ideas you may have that might Get You To Your NEXT!